Tuesday, March 17, 2009


have you ever caught yourself doing something...alot, and then get annoyed that your doing it? For instance, saying a word way more than any word should ever be said? I wonder why we do such things. I think it all comes from our basic desire to be accepted by the people around us. Our want to fit in, so we just copy the things that our immediate commrades do, and maybe in the proccess take it a little to far. Those sort of things really bother me. I guess because I have always tried to be different, but catch myself trying to fit in at the same time. My friend calls it the "herd" instinct. like cattle. thats why we use the media to determine popular fashion. it all goes back to fitting in, and just like individuals... the popular beliefs have changed many times over the years. In medevil Europe it was considered a SIN to bathe. Now higene is one of the biggest industries in the world. think about it. smoking in the us. in WW1 and WW2 U.S. forces were givin cigarettes in thier rations.. now there are whole towns that have banned smoking within city limits, and guess who is leading the pack with the most anti smoking adds? philip morris, only the biggest tobacco company in the U.S. Fitting in is a very strange instinct. tis why I feel that you should do what you like as apposed to what is popular,cause who knows in a few years it might be the "in" thing....

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